Monday, August 13, 2018



p1:Hello people! Today i’m going to be talking to you about Biodiversity. If you think this speech is going to be funny then adios, go listen to someone else because this is not a laughable topic. If you are serious about our environment,  then you need to hear what I have to say…
What is biodiversity?
p2:Biodiversity (in a peaceful way) is the balance between different animals and plants. It is Mother Nature’s bright side, her good side. Yes mother nature has a dark side as well like earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, but i’m not here to tell you about her dark side, I want to focus on the bright side.  Anyway, as i was saying biodiversity is every living thing working together to help create peace around the world. Biodiversity is the reason why we live!

Why do we have it?

p3:The environment was here long before we were. In fact it was here long before anything else was here. Biodiversity in in purest form is everywhere.
So instead of saying ‘Why do we have it?” we almost need to ask “What was it like before humans ruined it?” Because biodiversity has been here longer than we have. Wait, did you just realized that without biodiversity our world would be different? The water would be a mix of gas and rubbish and the land would be a desert that no living thing could live on. Scary right? Where would polar bears be living with no ice? The wrath pole?

What do I think of it

P4: To me, Biodiversity is everywhere. It is life, it is everything that supports life. I feel strongly about Biodiversity, but I feel like too many people in the world don’t. Computers are starting to take over people’s lives which means they are slowly escaping reality and forgetting about what is really important in this world.a lot of people out there who are trying to do the right thing, but there are still too many people that don’t care if they are destroying it, and they probably won’t start caring until it’s too late.

What can we do to fix it?

P5: Maybe we need to evolve back into cavemen. At least then we would start to have more respect for the environment because we would need to rely on it to survive. Maybe being caveman again would help save the environment? Maybe we need to start using less power or less harmful gases. Maybe we need to plant more trees? Our Te Reo teacher Tipene has created a video on how to to keep our native trees alive. Maybe this needs to be something that everyone watches so that they can see the benefits to our Biodiversity this would have.


P6: Did you know that Flaxmere was once a thriving wetland? There was a huge river close by and the whole area was wetland which provided the local Pa’s with lots of food and supplies. This is an example of how humans lived with the environment. Then someone had the bright idea to drain the water and build lots of house’s right on the spot, all for the sake of expanding and making money. This is an example of humans not working with the environment. It's really sad to think about how the  Biodiversity of that area was ruined. So to sum up my speech today, Biodiversity is everywhere and it’s everything. We need to work with the natural biodiversity so that every species that relies on it can continue to enjoy it for years to come. Thank you.

Image result for fish

  First time:2 minutes 31 seconds 82 milliseconds

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