Monday, June 27, 2016

Snow leopards

Snow leopard
  • Body parts
  • What snow leopard eat and hunt?
  • What is the size
  • How many cups?
  • Are they close to extinction?
  • Habitat

Snow Leopards body parts
There a lot of types of cats like Lions,Tigers,Cheetahs,Panthers  and pet cats but I’m writing about snow Leopards.

Snow leopards body parts
Snow leopards have whiskers to keep them balanced,  like all cats have to keep their balance or they will be  unbalanced and fall down .Snow leopards  have sharp claws that all cats have but wild cats use their claws to hunt and eat but pet cats don't  use these claws to hunt because they are looked after and have their own name and toys.Snow leopards have fur to keep them warm in the snow.

Where do snow leopards live?
Snow leopards live in  Asia  in the snowing mountains.They live in a cave. Snow leopards  also move caves like us moving houses.

What do snow leopards eat and hunt?

Snow leopards eat deer, wild goat,sheep and small things like rabbits and birds. Before a Snow leopard kills it’s food  it has to hide and stay low and then it strikes and kills with the  snow leopard’s claws.  It drags it to her or his cave and eats  it  with its family or friends or husband or wife and cubs, if it has cubs.

How many cubs does it have?
In captivity, female snow leopards most often bear 2 or 3 cubs in a litter, though there can be more. The mating season is January to mid-March, and most births occur in May and June. The cubs will stay with the mother for 18 to 22 months, and siblings may stay together briefly after the mother leaves.

Is a snow leopard close to extinction?

Snow leopards are  nearly extinct because  people shoot Snow leopards for money, lot’s  like  90,000 dollars. They are also used  for t-shirts,  jumpers, scarves, shoes and hats.

What is a snow leopard size?
An adult snow leopard weighs between 35 and 55 kg (77-121 lbs), and stands approximately 60 cm (24 in) tall at the shoulder. They measure 0.9 to 1.15 m (3 to 4.75 ft) from their head to rump, and have a tail up to 1 meter (40 inches) in length.

I like snow leopards because  they live in the mountains where it snows a lot.

The end.


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