Thursday, July 7, 2016


The Otter and the Oyster.

Once there was a otter  called Pip. Pip is a little otter.Pip  can swim but Pip can’t  open oysters and his brothers and sisters can. Pip was hungry and he was old enough to open oysters.

Pip’s mum and dad will not do it for him so Pip tried and tried but Pip kept getting hurt.

It was night and Pip was tired so Pip’s mum and dad  gave him a clam. It was disgusting, then he went to bed.  

  The next day Pip woke up. Pip went for a refreshing swim. One of Pip’s sister’s called  Rachel said to Pip, “why can’t you open oysters?”.
“Because I am not strong enough”.
Then Rachel said , “keep trying Pip”and then she swam off. So Pip  keep   trying and then Pip tugged and tugged and then he got it . “Yay I got it” yelled Pip excitedly. Then all of Pip’s brothers, and sisters and Mum and Dad cheered and Pip felt really  proud of himself and Pip could eat oysters now instead of clams.

The End

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