Tuesday, August 29, 2017

In Amira's shoes

In Amira’s shose’s
People screaming blood-soking  bullets flying left and right black clouds raging over us like the world was coming to an dead end. People's dead bodies hit hard dusty ground as enemies fight and try to kill many people as possible. Bombs exploding, people screaming like an elephant's toting their trunk. Guns shooting everywhere. Dead bodies  on the ground in front of me. Planes hovering  over the house. “Run for your life get out of the  house it  has bombs on it.” Blood red as can be,dripping slowly out of people's bodies to a slow painful death. People that has no family cry there heart out and wished that there was no war two they wish for peace between the world but now there's three thing in the world survival tocher and death blood spreading everywhere and from every one. No one will dare to to go outside or play so no more play and have fun.All they will do is hide and scream in fear or be in pain. So many have lost their  precious lives fighting but also shot by soldiers which is super super duper scary for the syrian people.Soldiers fighting as hard as they can to save the syrian and there land so the other countries try to steal it and
Live and grow their people.bombs set off and people scream and panic and run away,as guns are shooting and kill all the syrian people including kids and babies and all the elderly till nothing's left no people no plants and just dust to recreate land a claim it theirs forever well not for every untill the next world war but that is an only if they get it that's only if there is a 50% chance that will happen so there's an equal chance 50% out of 100%.kids losing their family all alone.                     

By CAIRO!!!Image result for syria in the war

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