Thursday, March 9, 2017

Kiwi Report

The Brown Kiwi

The brown kiwi is new zealand's national represents who we are when we play sports  when we are play agent's other countries and travelling around the globe.However,it is one of New Zealand’s most endangered birds today I am going to tell a few facts about the brown kiwi.

A kiwi has strong  thine legs and sharp claws to running away.Brown kiwis have nostrils at the end of its beak to sniff out prey and predators.kiwis can not fly cose they have little wing’s and  brown fur and lose feathers.

Most kiwis live in the southland in dark forests in dense undergrowth in the cost.
Kiwis eat insects worms,berries and crayfish leaves.

Life cycle
First egg hatches the chick  stands up when the kiwi is 3 or 4 months old it leaves its mother's territory and makes
a mate and build a den and lay eggs and sit on the eggs then it starts all over again and again and again and again.


a kiwi is nocturnal ( which means it sleeps at  day and is awake at night).


A kiwi’s enemies are stoats,ferrets,rat,possums,Cat/dogs and wild pigs that kiwis have to face.

I think kiwis are great things because they represents who we are.

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