Thursday, February 16, 2017

Common Nouns Week 3 - Term 1

Common Nouns Week 3 - Term 1

A  noun is a naming word.

Common nouns are nouns that refer to non-specific persons, places, objects or periods of time. For example: mother, student, kitchen, paddock, house, that, week, century.

  1. Highlight the common nouns in the following sentences.

  • The dog wagged its shaggy tail.

  • The sailor threw the rope to the people in the boat.

  • The freshly cooked chocolate cake had been baked in the oven.

  • The student grabbed the encyclopedia from the shelf to help with research.

  • The mountain seemed huge as the people gazed from the lookout.

2. Use the common nouns in the box below to complete the following passage.

Shannon     beach    jandals    track    towel    rays    Shannon    creek    shed   Ashley  water     Ashley

Ashley  and Shannon walked down the rutted track to the creek  . They passed the broken utility  shed  and jumped the farm.Ashley  lay down on her  towel to catch some rays  while Shannon   slipped off her jandalsn and ran into the cool, inviting water  .

3. Now out your own nouns in to complete this passage.

Jay placed his back  against the bricks . He entered the cool jem and after investigating the contents of the crime he finally decided upon and killing. The sea was deep blue with brilliant gold at the bottom. He stepped out into they and began to eat his smooth, chilled ice cream .

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