Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The gate

Once there was a girl named  Bella how  liked going for walks.One day she  was just walking  in her neighborhood when she saw a gate Bella said “there has not been a gate here before and I have walked here every day,  and the gate has not been here”.

 Bella  went inside but there was no house inside the gate. It was a  dead garden  so she went home and got her gardening stuff and seeds and walked back and started the garden.

First,  she pulled out all of the weeds  but before she planted seeds  something bad happened.  The dead weeds, started to grow faster. It grew small and then  it got bigger and bigger until it was 100 metres high. They had thorns and they were grey, and they stunk.   It was so bad. Bella had to,put a peg on her nose but she knew how to get rid of them but the smell will stay.

So she went to get the lawn mower,  the weeds and all of them were gone  but the smell was still there.It was so bad she had to use 8000 bottles of perfume. It took her 10 days for her to spray all of them but now she can plant the seeds.  Bella had flower seeds and food seeds and she planted them all.

One day Bella was gardening and found this treasure chest. Next to it was a key to open it  so Bella opened it  and out came a little fox. It was a on fire.  Then Bella read the letter. It was from her great, great grandmother called   Bell. In the letter it had a photo of her and the fox. The letter said  her name was Marina. She is a cute cub. On her collar was this necklace.It gave Bella water power so she could  water her plants so she does not have to spend  hours watering plants and do other important  stuff in the garden.   

The end    

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