Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Flying away!!!

Image result for air force jet nzFlying awayImage result for air force teddy bear

“Father, I don’t want to go.”

“Sweety, you know fully well why we have to move,we have no choice”.



“Ugh fine!”

Hoping into her car white, old and broken, she was accompanied and stuck with Mr.WigglesWorth. He is  brown, old and had a broken ear, and Max the dog. He was a golden reber.

“Where here now everyone hope out now that means you to larisa”.said dad

“Ugh noooo Im not gonna get out”

“Well your not going to get out your not going to get ice cream”

“ICE CREAM!!!!!!!”

Dashing out of the car larisa ran into the hotel kinten sat down.


“Whoe whoe whoe  ya ot to help unpack”


“Come on girly girly” said her brother grabbing a big boxes and but it in the bathroom.

Two hours of  unpacking larisa flopped on her bed and opened her big moth and moned.

“Ugh my hands are gonna fall off in a sec”

After two hours of moning larisa diced to play outside at the front logged to play hide and seek  with Mr.wiggles worth then she spotted an army truck parking across the road at the corner of her eyes.

“Hum maybe i can escape this horrible hotel when Mommy and Daddy are asleep hehe they won't know”.

“Honey come inside now”

“Ok” said larisa laughing softly.

Night comes and Larissa packs her bag with:

  • 1x Mr.WigglesWorth
  • 1x Max's lead
  • 2x Dog treats
  • 20x Cloths
  • 10x Cotton candy
  • 1x water bottles
  • 99x chocolates bars

“Ok all done now let’s escape!”

Tip toeing passed her brother passed out on the couch with the tv on. Then she head on outside until…

“Roof Roof”

“Shhh max's your gonna get us in trouble come on”. Said larisa untiyeding his lead off. Sneaking into the army truck larisa hides in one of the old smell sacks with  max's in a different sack scratching of fleas.Waiting for ages larisa arrives at the air force .”1,2,3 Run!!” larisa ran like a wild animal into the building then she look around then suddenly  pass out probably from being up too late for a 7 year old .Waking up to a cold hard ground and hearing gushes of wind on her face frozen and numb like a zombie larisa slowly got up then…



“Ok nice talk?!”
All of a sudden the jet pilot fell out of the jet turning arrow pilot on. For the rest of the flying was  quite to quite that it was suspicious thought larisa until she hears something,something swift and light then.. Look out!! A flock of sea goals up ahead ducking under the plane spun around again and again until it stopped “jeepers”.Arriving at her desternassin she sees a tropical island ahead of her she brang her bag out and settles in for the rest of her life the end!!.

By Cairo

Thursday, February 22, 2018

missing in a blizerd

Missing in a blizzard!!!! The wet snow is like a white,winter,wild wonderland but a horror show for me, so this is the story of how me Mei chibison went missing in a blizzard. Warm,cozy and covered Mei peacefully sleeping until……..*ring-ring* wen’t her alarm clock for the 100 time again . “Ugh”screeched Mei in awareness rolling out of her bed hitting the cold hard floor.“Oh jeez it’s just my alarm clock”. ”Wait 12:00 already?” Rushing down the cold coradoors getting her stuff on, Mei got dressed and feed snowball her white husky mixed with a german shepherd. ”Wait….where are my socks?” “Roff roff” “snowball give me my socks back!”. “Roof nope” wait you can talk?”.”BOO!!!. “Haha very funny max's” Now please give me my socks back!!!” “fine!”.”mom dad ready!!” “Ok Mei now let's go fishing!” “yay and yes!!”.*half way threw the drive* “Mei?. “Yes?”.”did you bring the fishin roads?!”.”of course I did!” “Max's?”.”Yes?!”. “Did you bring the bate yes!”. “And exactly where is it?”.”um……… my belly”.“iw maxs”. “WHAT??!!!!!.”.”we're here we're finally here!!!”.”Max's yes go set up my chair”.”honey” “Yes” go set up our stuff over there”. “Dad?!!!”.... “yes sweety?!”.”what can Ii do?.”um go wonder around”.”Ok then?!”. While walking around the wet ,cold and white snow Mei got lost until she stop at this frozen rock cave. Blue,tall and lumpy.”wait where am I?”.”I-I've never been here before”.she stood there in icey confused threw her veins of where to go until the cave made an ecowing sound as the cave echoed the wind grew stronger and hard twirling her around like she was gracefully dancing with the snow and ice taking over her movement. Cold hungry bunched up Mei felt the hunger of her stomach until it got louder and louder too loud that it was not her stomach three crystal clear icicles bigger than a tree batching smashed down with little bits of ice flung over like a slingshot hit her like her stupid little brother does with water balloons but hard and more dangrose forcing her to duck under.”Augh help someone!!”. *ten hours later* “Hello?” replied a deep voice. In shock Mei jumped up of her inescapable prison of her doom yelled at the top of her lungs she screamed “hello i'm over here please help me!!!!!!!” then a sudden shadow aperd out of thin air a tall man with glasses and a white lab coat with an german accent kind of crazy as well then Mei new who it was it was medic from team fortress which is a german army training company “well well well look who we have in my trap” *laughs hard and crazily* “ugh what do you want!!?”.” to help you of course”.”not interested!!!!” “ok i’ll Just let you frez do deth in my trap hehe”.”yeah whatever i don’t care”.”ok im now leaving hheheh”. “Well i said……. I DON’T CARE DO YOU NOT GET ME!!!!” *medic leaves/5 hours later!!* “ugh how am i gonna get out um ok then!” “looky looky how i have now pyro “ugh noooooo”. “Now who has mercy? hahah”. Mei in dispret help thought of something “hehe” “WHY are you laughing?”.”well speaking of mercy…..” “wait what?” “heroes never die!!”. “Wait no no no” Wait yes” said a deep voice behind him then out came the captain of overwatch Jack morrison (soldier 76)”now it’s time for you to go down!!” “Yes!!””thx”. “Np”. “now comes to the question what do we do to get you out and deal with these twits?”. So she gets out unharmed.”are you ok Mei?” said mercy from behind jack.”im fine but I can do with a hot chocolate!”“LOL we can do with one to coze we’ve searched everywhere since you didn't show up to lunch or dinner your parents are worried so they called us to find you”.”well good thing i bought these” *gives hot chocolates to Mei and 76* *all drink there hot chocolate* and*.Mei gets home safe and sound The End.

Ko wai au? Who am I? -Cairo